About Us

The TOMMAG Natural Hair movement started with a Vision to make available hair products made with 100% natural ingredients, to help cure all scalp & hair ailments.

Our stash which is made up of 15 products have been formulated to effectively grow,maintain & nurture Big,Bold ,Beautiful & Healthy Natural hair.

Having listened & attended to several cases of damaged hair and scalp conditions over years of careful research, our professional team of Research & Development Chemists carefully formulated unique & special recipes infused with natural ingredients from Mother Nature. The quest started with a “Natural hair & scalp repair fund” though painstaking, deep and resource consuming, has providing a lasting solution, and has culminated in pleasant life changing results for thousands of people who used and testify to the efficacy of TOMMAG products.

TOMMAG is a quality hand made product that promotes moisturized, healthy, thick and growing natural hair .

All ingredients has been researched, formulated and used consistently by the creator before being made available for purchase. Each product contains key ingredient for a healthy hair regime that’s both locally and globally sourced.
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